Apr 25, 2017
Leah Marshall had a very successful career as an attorney working with a federal judge. Money, success, prestige--she walked away from it all when her son came into her life. With her husband's full support, she sacrificed all that the world would consider important in order to be with her little guy. The sacrifices...
Apr 21, 2017
Jewel Kaste moved to Santiago, Chile, with her family when she was 9 years old. She went from not knowing a soul or a word of Spanish to falling in love with her second home. Her passion for jewelry and design, travels back to Chile, and dream of starting a business all came together recently and her company, Tierra...
Apr 18, 2017
Carrie Kittinger is a blogger and speaker who seeks to encourage women in faith as they walk through various seasons of life. Her passion for God's Word is infectious. In this podcast, Carrie and I discuss defining moments in life. Those moments may not seem significant at the time, but they can bring life or death,...
Apr 14, 2017
Caroline Frame had a dream of going to Broadway to sing and perform. That got set on the shelf when she got married young and started her family of 5 children. But the dream never died. She had no idea that God would use her gifts and passion to ignite the same gifts and passions in dozens of young people. Courtyard...
Apr 7, 2017
Blogger Abi Spencer and I discuss how critical it is to be grounded in our identities as daughters of God.