Jul 26, 2018
Young millennials often get a bad rap these days. I mean, what inspiration could a 21-year-old college girl have to contribute to my middle-aged life?? TONS!!! Kellie Kittinger is a woman who is confident, strong, a cancer-survivor, and knows how to hear God's voice. Her story will inspire and encourage you today....
Jul 12, 2018
I have always had a fascination for personality tests, and the Myers Briggs Indicator has been the granddaddy of them all for decades. My friend Jewel Kaste (meet her in Episode 4 of the podcast) has been diving deep into the MBTI for decades and is the perfect guest to share a clear and practical description of...
Jul 5, 2018
Wouldn't it be great to really know that we could hear God speaking to us? We often doubt that He speaks to us and that we are actually hearing Him. How does He speak? How can you know it's Him? My guest today is my friend and ministry teammate, Ashley Grice. As a learning differences specialist, Ashley has...